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Fall 2024

Fall 2024: I Want to See Your Wild Side

Forward & Cover Art by Dasah Graphics

rime of the pit beast

A beautiful poem of pain and hope by M. Lopes da Silva

How to Embrace Your Inner Weirdo: A Drag Queen's Guide to Universal Eccentricity

A fun, whimsical sci-fi story about drag queens in space by Lawrence Dagstine

The House That Curves

A dark fantasy poem by Emmie Christie

Mesh and Lace

A romantic, interdimensional short story by Jennifer Lee Rossman

In These Worlds, Our Colors Bend

A poem about coming into oneself and pride by Angela Acosta

Wishful Thinking

A short, romantic story about a vampire and his partner by Rachel Unger

A Forgetful Selkie

A short, romantic story about a selkie on land by Reggie Kwok

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